Wednesday 3 July 2013


So I've finally started sorting out some stuff I had as a kid, and I found some old diaries. It's quite cute knowing that I couldn't spell the simplest of words (and still can't) and how I corrected words that were right to begin with. (I wanted to find my current diary that I packed when I moved back from uni in London.)

It's nice knowing that I only wrote down the boring stuff, and some happy things. I noticed that I was very detached from my emotions and just wrote the events down instead of describing things and saying how I felt. Even though I do not remember any of the things I read earlier today, I know that not everything was so bad. Unless it was but I didn't note it down...

I ended up keeping some of the stuff that I had, not because they brought back good memories, but that I know there was probably a memory attached for me to keep it. I haven't read everything yet, but I will do soon. Maybe I will post some pictures of the stuff I have kept.

How many of you have kept diaries, either now or as a child? And what do you write in them? My current one is just to keep track of all my plans, and without it I forget everything :/.

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