Sunday 14 July 2013


Rest in Peace Cory Monteith.

I never watched Glee, and I didn't know the guy in any way, heck I had never heard him until I logged into Facebook earlier today. All I know is that he was a star of Glee and was due to be married in just two weeks. I don't know what possessed him or if the allegations are true but he supposedly died of a drug overdose (unconfirmed so far).

Just because I do not know who the person is, it doesn't mean that I should feel no sympathy towards his family. So many people die everyday (just check wikipedia for the 'celebrity' ones), and it makes me realise just how short our lives are. Cory Monteith was only 31, that's the same age as my older sister...

I remember once that I was feeling really down for a long time and so my friend randomly told me that 2 people die every second and I should be thankful that I'm not one of them. It took a while for it to sink in (a couple of weeks) but I finally got it. Life is short and we don't know when it will end. Why sit in misery when we could be happy, do something everyday or make a small positive change to this world? Well, today was too hot for me, so I sat inside but that doesn't mean I was sad all day.

So, Cory Monteith, you will be missed by many, and even if you didn't realise it, you made so many Glee fans happy with every episode. This tragic incident was unfortunate but maybe his mission in life was completed. Look to the bright side and our thoughts and prayers will be with the family and his fiancee, Lea, at this time.

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