Wednesday 31 July 2013

Random Story

So I'm thinking of writing a new short story (I know, it's been forever) but I want to know if the idea had been done too many times before?

Just check out my first few paragraphs and let me know what you think?

Sorcha looked over Katie Mallory’s unconscious body, unable to do anything. The bruise from her father’s punch was slowly forming over her left eye, the blood from her nose was quickly drying, and yet, the girl looked at peace.  Katie’s mother was crying softly in the room above where her daughter lay, tidying her bedroom in a drastic attempt to calm herself. Her father stared at his own fist, still curled up in anger, after finding his daughter was not his little girl anymore. Sorcha wished that Katie had taken another path in life, one not so damaging to her emotional state.
Sorcha vanished in the blink of an eye, not that anyone in the room had noticed. She ran down the romanesque corridors to the head office. Images of happy children covered the walls, much like a child’s bedroom, an inspiration to all. She tapped on the door at the far end of the corridor, waiting impatiently and catching her breath. The door slowly opened after a few stretched seconds, feeling like an eternity to Sorcha. She walked into the office many fear, the stone desk littered with paperwork, two feather quills resting in an ink pot next to some blotting paper. The rich red carpet lined the floor, the marble fireplace burning a magnificent fire, casting a sunset aura in the room.
“Hmmm,” came a deep voice, slightly threatening, from behind the ornate desk, “Sorcha Silverlight. I have seen you twice already this month, and it’s only the first week. You walk into this office almost as much as a second home. Is this task too much for you? Do you want to be demoted?”
“No, sir.” Replied her timid voice. “It’s about the Mallory’s. It’s getting worse and I don’t know what to do. No matter how much I try, I cannot get in touch with the human world. Katie is suffering, sir, and I want to help. Nothing in my training prepared me for this!”
“You mean you are unable to make a simple phone call? Or talk to your child?” His voice almost booming.
“Of course I tried, sir. Can you remember your first assignment? Couldn’t the mentors see the implications of this mission? This isn’t fair!” Sorcha slumped down on the soft carpet, much like a teenager throwing a tantrum.
“Get up you spoilt brat! Of course I remember. The child I was first assigned to, died within two days. Black plague. Poor Henry,” He bowed his head with grief, and Sorcha immediately moved to his side to put a comforting arm around his shoulder. “We cannot predict the future, and as Guardian Angels, it is our duty to help as many children in the world as possible."

This is as far as I have gotten in the past half hour (I get distracted)... Comment, email, text, kik me your views. :)

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Mr. Simple

Stolen from my other blog :o !

First of all, as most people know, I’m really into Korean music, and no that does not just mean Gangnam Style! One of my favourite bands is Super Junior, which consists of 10-15 members at any time. This is due to compulsory military service, so some are away and it is rare to see them all together.

I really like this song and video, not just because it was the first song and video I saw of them, but because of the lyrics. The lyrics themselves are inspirational, letting the listener know that there is nothing wrong with them. The first verse even mentions moods and emotions going up and down all that time, and that it is perfectly normal. It reminds us that life isn’t necessarily easy, but it’s not bad either. We just need to make the most of it and remember that we are all perfect in our own ways.

The video is typical of ‘mainstream music’ where the background changes often, there is a perfectly choreographed dance and various outfit changes. The lighting appears very clinical in the way that the main area is brightly lit, but the individual backdrops are grey and quite bland. The lighting from the floor is unusual although it does minimize shadows. In fact, there are hardly any shadows, which gives the impression that most of it used a green screen.

Super Junior isn’t the only group to have positive messages hidden in them, a few other songs are:
Nu’est – Face
2NE1 – Ugly
EXO-K – Traffic Safety Song

Lyrics used:,d.ZWU,d.ZWU


Friday 26 July 2013

Let's Just Say...

So today wasn't a very good day...

But to try and make me feel better, I went out to town (didn't work), then listened to loads of music. Music has played a major part in my life, not because I'm talented (because I really am not) but I feel that it has saved my life.

I have spent so much of my life listening to angry and depressing music when I have felt the same way, and recently I realised that it doesn't work the same way as happy music does. I even have a playlist for when I feel down because it happens so often. Simple Plan and Eminem, as examples, made me realise that my life isn't as bad as some people's, but then Mika and Destiny's Child are empowering, showing that there's always a bright side to the dark times.

Through the dark, depressing, and self-harming days to my happiest times, on sunny beaches with friends, music has always been there.

Monday 22 July 2013

Mainstream Shizz

I want to start off by saying that I am in no way a hipster, no matter what my friends think.

I've just gotten so used to not being a part of the majority that following the crowd has become a turn off.. I always felt like an outsider as a child, first because I'm half African and half white British, and second, I never felt like I belonged. In my first school, no one was mixed race. They were either white, black or Asian. I wasn't 'one of them'.

My friends always seemed to have happy, perfect lives. Both parents working, siblings they got along with and all the toys they wanted. Me on the other hand, my parents divorced by the time I was four. My mum couldn't work because she wanted to be there for me and my sister, and with no family that really liked my mum, she had to struggle on her own. I would always argue with my sister, which led to arguments with my mum, most of them resulting with the line "Why don't you go and live with your father!". Because my mum wasn't working, she couldn't afford the toys my friends got, cable/satellite TV or nice stuff in general. So I wasn't like everyone else to start with.

Secondary school definitely pulled me apart. People would wonder why I didn't act more 'black', why I was quiet, why I was me. I was scared to come out of my shell and show what I really liked. I got into anime and manga but was criticized for it. There was this one girl who thought I was copying her and tried to make me hate myself. I might have mentioned her before, I actually hated going into school. The last year was actually my worst year. I loved Kpop music for the first time, but I was called strange and uncool.

I turned to my sister earlier and said that "Kpop is becoming too mainstream... I don't like it." 

University is like a whole other life for me. When I'm there, I am truly myself. I'm not scared of the judgement, the looks and stares. I re-invented myself, as the confident me. That worked for about a week. Now I'm halfway between that and how I was before. Sure some people aren't open to the fact that I like different things, but I don't care anymore. I am myself and I could never be happier.

I don't just listen to 'mainstream music', I listen to anything I like the tune or beat to. I like The Midnight Beast, The Lonely Island, and The Band Perry. This is where I don't follow suit; Simple Plan, Mika, Evanescence, Fun, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Lindsey Stirling, Big Bang, Nu'est, 2NE1, to name a few of my favourites. Yeah most of these are mainstream artists, but I don't check the Top 40 or anything, I just download the albums and any singles I like.

On the other hand, I also don't follow fashion. Like every girl, I update my wardrobe whenever I can, and buy what's in stores but my collection is quite small because I am so fussy. I get fed up quickly and my style is sometimes called; punky, quirky, cute, different, tomboy-ish, bright. It all depends on my mood.

IT'S ALL ABOUT BEING YOURSELF, AS LONG AS YOU ARE HAPPY IN YOUR OWN SKIN, WHO CARES WHAT THE WORLD THINKS! As long as you don't do anything illegal, or dangerous to others, it's all cool.

Sunday 21 July 2013

"And Then You Go And Spoil It All By Saying Something Stupid Like, I Love You" (8)

Three years ago I crashed a car
My dads car
Outside a church
With my little sister in the back
Without leaving the car park...
Without leaving the parking space

Just thought you should have the opportunity to laugh at me :) I was 16 at the time, I'm now 19 and I refuse to learn how to drive.. I don't even have a provisional (learners) licence...

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Small World

I have a lot of random thoughts pop into my head at various times, and this hot and sticky night is one of those times.

I remember back in primary school, year 3 or 4 I think, and I used to get bullied. I never told my family, or my friends as it would happen when I was alone, and it was a couple of 'groups' that did it. One couple were girls in year six, about 2 or 3 years above me, and they would taunt me often. Eventually I confessed this to my mum's friend's daughter, (lets call her L) and it turned out that she used to be best friends with one of them. I still remember their names now, S and C shall be all I will reveal. S was a friend of L, who went to my school but later transferred because it was 'not good enough for her family' (they're snobs now). I begged L to do something, but it did not cease until S and C went to secondary school... luckily that was only about a year or two.

Unfortunately for me, the year after they left, I got bullied by another two girls, two years below me. They would sing songs about me being too skinny, calling me a twig or sticks. I took matters into my own hands and started eating a lot more. Again I never told anyone, and this is my first confession. They stopped the teasing for a while, and then it started up again by calling me a fat whale. I looked like on of those starving African children with stick arms, and a massive belly. I just ate and ate, but didn't care what.

When I finally finished that school, I found that I no longer had the same friends and my self esteem went all the way down. I became reserved and extremely shy. Almost like a different person. I was always a bit on the quiet side, but I now realise that I had changed. I was told by some 'friends' that I should stop complaining about my life because it was too depressing. I grew a tougher skin and never showed my emotions. I didn't know how to fit in and I was often alone in class.

I never really manage to keep friends for very long, but I have a few that I can stay close to... well, make that two. No matter how long we go without speaking because of uni, we can still talk about anything and be who we are. I'm glad I have these two to keep me strong through all the emotional heartbreak (more stories to come), the depression and self harm, through exams, stress, domestic violence and being homeless (for about an hour xD).

My story isn't normal, no one's is. This isn't to share with the world, but a personal reminder of what I have gone through and to know that I am stronger than people realise. I am who I am because of what has happened to me.
Stay strong everyone, and if you're being bullied, tell someone. I know I didn't and was always afraid that it would get worse if I did, but I wish I had more help back then. :)

Sunday 14 July 2013


Rest in Peace Cory Monteith.

I never watched Glee, and I didn't know the guy in any way, heck I had never heard him until I logged into Facebook earlier today. All I know is that he was a star of Glee and was due to be married in just two weeks. I don't know what possessed him or if the allegations are true but he supposedly died of a drug overdose (unconfirmed so far).

Just because I do not know who the person is, it doesn't mean that I should feel no sympathy towards his family. So many people die everyday (just check wikipedia for the 'celebrity' ones), and it makes me realise just how short our lives are. Cory Monteith was only 31, that's the same age as my older sister...

I remember once that I was feeling really down for a long time and so my friend randomly told me that 2 people die every second and I should be thankful that I'm not one of them. It took a while for it to sink in (a couple of weeks) but I finally got it. Life is short and we don't know when it will end. Why sit in misery when we could be happy, do something everyday or make a small positive change to this world? Well, today was too hot for me, so I sat inside but that doesn't mean I was sad all day.

So, Cory Monteith, you will be missed by many, and even if you didn't realise it, you made so many Glee fans happy with every episode. This tragic incident was unfortunate but maybe his mission in life was completed. Look to the bright side and our thoughts and prayers will be with the family and his fiancee, Lea, at this time.

Wednesday 10 July 2013


(This was originally posted some time in April but as I have learned about tags, this post got moved to now... I don't know why but it just did)

Just to start off, this isn't meant to be a depressing post, so if it is, then I apologise now.

I don't remember much of my childhood, and for years now, I've wanted to start a blog but I never knew what to write about. I feel my life is too boring but this last year has taught me that if I can try to remember, then my life isn't so bad. I want this blog to be my diary, to always be here forever and leave my imprint in the world.

I've had my fair share of misfortune but I want to focus on the happy times. And I swear I've had more of these since starting uni in September than I can remember from the past 18 years. I won't go into detail of my past, such as my parents divorce, the domestic abuse until I turned 17, hopelessly falling for guys and having my heart broken, being shy and only finding friendships online. This is what I want to forget.

I used to write stories a lot, but never finished them so I only have a few posted online. I have loads more on my laptop but I never know how to continue with what I have. I enjoyed writing because it let m escape my life. I could pretend to be the character and most of the ideas are based on what I wanted to do or be. PLEASE NOTE, I HAVE NOT DONE EVERYTHING IN MY STORIES.

The URL of this blog is Cazzie94, and there is a reason for this. One of my closest friends of a few years ago passed away. He was the nicest person I ever had the chance to meet, and well he always called me Cazzie so often that his sister copied and I got used to using that name. I always thought it was cute, but on 15th June 2011, he died. I fell into a pit of despair. And yes I started a story about that, but never published it. There was a little hole in my heart, and it hurt.

You'll probably notice that from September to December and February to May, my posts will be uni related and all the other times it will be based on my home life. This is purely based on where I am living at the time..


Are you stuck in a rut? Have nothing to do right now or over the next few weeks/months? Need another way to procrastinate/ put things off? Have little or no money to do anything?

Here's a little list of suggestions you could do ;)

  • Make a hat for your pet
  • Grow a beard
  • Popcorn face
  • Punch noodles
  • Face masks out of random food
  • Wear a pet as a hat / scarf
  • Make a beer smoothie
  • Make a fruit smoothie
  • Draw something (Literally, or you could play the game)
  • Turn yourself into a tree/zombie/cat (face paints and costumes)
  • Be an aeroplane (Airplane for those not in Britain)
  • Dye your hair (not the best thing I have ever come up with)
  • Read a book
  • Write a story/poem/song
  • Join a random website and use it everyday for a week
  • Text everyone on your phone saying "Let's make a llama out of rainbows and paint the sea orange whilst dressed as Ninja Turtles :D".
  • Invent a sport and teach your family
  • Teach someone a card game but don't tell them the rules for each card (play it like uno to start with then the winner makes up and new rule by giving it a name but not telling anyone what it is) I swear this is more fun than it sounds.
  • Draw or write something nice for all your neighbours and post it to them.
  • Be bi-curious for the day
  • Start a blog
  • Swap houses with a friend or relative for the day/week to see if you can cope living in their shoes.
  • Pretend to be drunk in public (I don't want you lovelies getting arrested)
  • Picnic in your local park/beach.
  • Be a tourist in your own town for the day
  • Visit somewhere new, but is fairly close
  • Learn something new (how to cook, make something, a strange fact)
  • Annoy your family in a pleasant way (being overly nice or polite)
  • Say 'please' instead of 'thank you' and vice versa

So I hope you like this list. If you want to add anything more to it, just comment below :) These ones are a bit strange...

Tuesday 9 July 2013

This Is Becoming Daily....

I didn't intend to start posting every single day but well, my life is getting less boring. I need a job :( At least, just for summer or something.

Today was eventful, I won't go into details but let's just say that some things were said, I got kicked three times, had juice poured over me and then had both my necklaces ripped off so they broke :'(. In the end, I threw the kids phone out my bedroom window...

Why is is always gifts that are destroyed?  First my birthday dress was cut up and bleached, and now the cross I was given by an uncle I never see when I was eight, a camera necklace my friend bought for my last birthday, and the playsuit I got for the birthday before (I was wearing before today's incident, then I had to shower again and change).

Why can't my 'vacation from uni' be peaceful, or fun, instead of stressful and broken?

Monday 8 July 2013

Be Yourself

I wouldn't really be able to describe this much better myself, and it really bugs me when people want to follow the crowds instead of being unique. I pride myself in not copying other people, I dress my own way, act my own way and choose to do things based on my morals and my personality.

"Gemma" is often telling me how she wants this 'Paul's Boutique' coat because everyone at her school has one, and she only wants certain branded clothes because of what others think. One, it makes things expensive and two, she looks like everyone else. At least if I try to find my actual sister in a crowd, I can based on her clothes or hair. If I look for Gemma, I look for the smallest black child around, not her sense of style or how she dresses.

I love Jenna Marbles, she's a great inspiration and makes some pretty funny videos like 'How to trick people into thinking you're good looking', and admittedly her older videos are the best ones. Jenna doesn't try to be someone else, and if you go past the fake tanned skin and blonde hair, you find that she isn't a bimbo, but an intelligent person with a great personality.

Just remember to:

  • be creative
  • be strong
  • be courageous
  • be ambitious
  • and most importantly: be yourself

Sunday 7 July 2013


So, I have this foster sister, and let's call her Gemma. Now Gemma is a difficult girl. She's 15 years old, but with the mind and body of a child of no more than 10. Heck my youngest sister (who doesn't live with me) is 11 and is physically and mentally more mature.

As I sit here tonight, I realise (not for the first time) that she has no respect for my mum. My mum is a lovely person, but she is getting ill with something that causes immense amounts of pain and no cure. Gemma has no respect for everything my mum has done for her. Gemma's dad left her to look after his mum in London, and my mum took her in so that she didn't need to change to a third secondary school. The nan has since passed on and the dad has no obvious intention to move back and look after her again. Social services got involved at some point and moved her to three or four foster parents, each lasting not much longer than a month, before bringing her back here. Long story short, my mum has looked after her for almost two years (with interruptions) and Gemma is a horrible child. We have changed everything about us to accommodate her, my mum has fallen out with friend's because of her behaviour, I've changed bedrooms three times, we now eat junk food (well I never did but it seems to be the only thing mum buys now because Gemma isn't healthy), I quit my job because I hated coming home to this place, and we even have to make sure someone is home all the time just in case she leaves school early (walks out during the day) or comes home randomly because we don't trust her with a key.

If a person has the patience and love to take you in when no one else would or could, should you not show them some respect by behaving? Don't get me wrong, she's had a tough upbringing, but then so have a lot of us. She cries thinking that it's her fault everything is like it is (her dad says so, but he abused her so...), she screams, shouts, starts arguments for no reason, yet when I finish them, I get in trouble because I'm older, stronger and shouldn't lower myself to her level. I know I'm not perfect but I know that I've never been as bad as her.
Let's put this in perspective. This girl doesn't listen and is constantly trying to make us feel bad, to make her feel better. I came back from uni in mid-June and I have considered leaving home three times since then. THAT'S ABOUT ONCE EVERY ONE OR TWO WEEKS! I just have no where to go myself. I because depressed again after being fine for the duration of being at uni. I get stressed and really short tempered.

Now there's a meeting this week to see if she stays or goes (and if I get my dress replaced that she bleached and cut up). Fingers crossed that she goes... Or is better behaved, I don't mind either.

Friday 5 July 2013

Born In The Wrong Culture

Ok, I mentioned in an earlier post that I like anime. That's a bit of an understatement. I wouldn't call myself an obsessed fan but I do love it. Along with all thing Eastern Asian, my family have a huge interest in the music and programmes. Two of my sisters love japanese music, while I prefer Korean. We all watch japanese dramas from time to time, and my mum likes some Korean music (especially when it is sung in English, haha). My sister also listens to some Chinese music, although not much.

Here's a small list of anime that I have watched all the way through, from beginning to end, in no particular order. I have seen various episodes of others, or unfinished series (where I broke my laptop and forgot what episode I was on) but these will not be included. These are also recommendations  to anyone wanting to watch something a little different. Most of these are English Dubbed (in English), although not all of them are.

  • Black Cat
  • Kuroshituji 
  • Kuroshituji II
  • Vampire Knight
  • Elfen Lied
  • Karin
  • Ouran High School Host Club
  • Rosario + Vampire
  • Rosario + Vampire capu 2
  • Death Note
  • Clannad
  • Blue Exorcist (Ao No Exorcist)
  • Code Geass
  • Fruits Basket
  • Gravitation
  • Angel Beats
  • Mermaid Forest
  • Baka + Test: Summon the Beasts (Seasons 1, OVA and 2)
  • Toradora!
  • Karneval
  • Danganronpa
  • Daily Lives of High School Boys
  • Gosick
I know it isn't very long, and I only really got into it about 3 years ago. I have also taken time out to get on with my studies, and other times I just have too much of a social life to sit down and make time for even one episode. Let's not forget that there are also loads of anime films, Japanese dramas and Korean films to watch. Of course I've seen the anime that actually gets broadcast on TV and as I never know if it's the complete series and I may miss episodes, such as:
  • Pokemon
  • Sailor Moon
  • Dragonball Z
  • Power Puff Girls
  • Mew Mew Power (Tokyo Mew Mew)
  • Pretty Cure
  • Beyblade
  • etc...
That's all for now, bye :)

Thursday 4 July 2013


Now I want to go back in time to last September, when I met my flat mates for the first time. I was terrified  and hungry (typical for me) and hadn't met anyone yet on the second day. I walked into the kitchen and everyone was there, they were so loud. >.<

I come from a pretty quiet house, despite everything that goes on, my family will stay away from each other or just talk quietly. The only time we are loud is during an argument, even when my mum tried to break my arm, she was quiet enough not to wake my sister in the same room.

So imagine my horror when I found everyone talking really loudly, laughing and discussing parties. I was fine with all that, I swear, but the sheer volume of them scared me. Sure I may love to watch anime, read, watch films in my room like every other hermit out there, but I also love to party as much as every other girl my age. Getting dressed up, drinking, and having a tonne of fun with my friends. I'm actually pretty normal, despite what I claim.

I found out a few months later that my whole flat thought I would be a boring bookworm. They didn't know that I go out a lot, or that I gave up pole-dancing before going to uni, and as a child I played loads of sports. When they found out, it shone a whole new light on me, as if I suddenly became a different person. Just because I wear glasses and had a shirt on that day (originally undone over a vest but I got cold and buttoned it up), it doesn't mean I am that kind of person.

It really bugs me when people judge others before getting to know them, and I know that I do it too, but we should give people a chance before blowing them off. I hated this one girl at first because I thought she liked the same guy as me, but now we're really close and I regret how I felt at first. People are surprising and if we just take the time to get to know someone, then we might end up staying friends for the rest of our lives.

So what I'm saying is that you shouldn't judge someone on the way they look, or because they drink when they go out. Just because they smoke weed (I have never done drugs and I'm completely against it for my own reasons but I won't bully you to stop. Although smoking is really bad and you should give that up :) If not, it's your own health you're damaging), or go pole-dancing, or play sports, or are gay/lesbian, or just don't behave in the same way as you. No one is perfect and the sooner people accept this, the easier it will be to make friends and enjoy life.

Wednesday 3 July 2013


So I've finally started sorting out some stuff I had as a kid, and I found some old diaries. It's quite cute knowing that I couldn't spell the simplest of words (and still can't) and how I corrected words that were right to begin with. (I wanted to find my current diary that I packed when I moved back from uni in London.)

It's nice knowing that I only wrote down the boring stuff, and some happy things. I noticed that I was very detached from my emotions and just wrote the events down instead of describing things and saying how I felt. Even though I do not remember any of the things I read earlier today, I know that not everything was so bad. Unless it was but I didn't note it down...

I ended up keeping some of the stuff that I had, not because they brought back good memories, but that I know there was probably a memory attached for me to keep it. I haven't read everything yet, but I will do soon. Maybe I will post some pictures of the stuff I have kept.

How many of you have kept diaries, either now or as a child? And what do you write in them? My current one is just to keep track of all my plans, and without it I forget everything :/.

Monday 1 July 2013

Portfolio and Results

So, as any of you that have read my other blogs know (which were purely for coursework reasons), I study photography at university. Although the course is not what I expected, and that I dislike one of my modules, my results were not too bad. I mean, if I exclude that one anomaly, I would have finished with a much higher grade. Unfortunately I got a 2.2 for my first year, even though some of my work was just 2 or 3 marks off a 1st.

Hopefully next year will be better as I have added a minor subject (extra work), and it will not all be so repetitive. If I still do not like photography as a subject, I will just end up doing it as a hobby and will concentrate on something academic, by possibly restarting university all together.

Anyway, I thought I should share some of my work (ones without people because I have no model release forms..) just to see if my work is as rubbish as my lecturer says, or if it is better than she thinks.




^ These were part of a small project on the seven deadly sins where I aimed to use just fruit and vegetables, most of this series are shown here. The rest of the images below are from random projects over the years.







Skull and Shells