Sunday 28 December 2014

Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun (Seasons 1 & 2)

How can something be so beautiful and so sad at the same time?

These two series follow on from each other fairly well, and even the episode number (in the anime, not as listed) follows on in ascending order. It's as though the series was supposed to be one long one, but they decided to put it in two halves (I have not read up on this, nor know the actual reason behind this decision).
The story follows Shino, an apparent pre-pubescent boy, and his childhood friends, Sousuke and Hamaji. They were orphaned due to a terrible incident in their village five years prior, and stuck together as family, the only survivors. With strange ties to the church, a lack of memories of the past and demonic powers, this story covers it all. Some things are not even revealed until the very end, so it has plenty of questions to keep you watching.
I found it really intriguing, there are hints to keep you guessing but it is also pleasant to watch by just going with the flow and not thinking too much. I would also call this a casual anime, you get obsessed with watching it, but you don't feel the need to watch every episode in succession (it came out a year or two ago, so I watched it when I had the time, instead of making time for it).
Sousuke fighting himself/ other half.
If you liked Spirited Away, Fruits Basket, or any other anime with spirits, demons and all things legendary, then check this out. You won't regret it, that is my personal guarantee.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Saturday 27 December 2014

Trinity Seven

Probably the worst anime I watched this season, not for the storyline, but purely for the ending. Like, I just went to check on extra episodes and remembered that it is finished. I only watched the last episode a couple of hours ago. It needs and better ending, I feel like there are too many questions left. Like, [SPOILER] was that really his cousin or is she made up and his memories manipulated? Either way, it wasn't explained properly, maybe it was the subs, but it was probably the story.
"Everyday is a normal day in the small town where Kasuga Arata lives; however, everything changed on the day of the Black Sun, and following it, a magician appears before him. The Black Sun caused the Breakdown Phenomenon which destroyed the town where he lives. Because of this, his normal life was artificially reconstructed by a Grimoire that his childhood friend had left. Just what is the purpose of the magician coming to the town? What will he do with the Grimoire's keepsake?" (

Everything was coincidental, as expected, and Arata is the typical pervy schoolboy. Suddenly he gets landed in a school of female mages and his life changes forever. Not only is he clueless about his new life, but he is also extremely powerful.

Don't get me wrong, the series was great, panty shots actually fit the story and I liked it. But the ending ruined it. Go check it out and see how much you like it.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Grisaia no Kajitsu (Fruit of Grisaia)


This is a series that I loved so much this season, and I am truly sad to see it go. Apparently there is a second season, so I will be eagerly awaiting this. It was a Visual Novel first, so I need to read that now, and if anyone knows where I can find it, please let me know.

"Mihama Academy—on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? And in the first place, just who is Kazami Yuuji? While the true nature of the "job" he is wont to alight to at the most haphazard of moments remains shrouded in secrecy, one thing is for certain—his encroachment upon the quiet orchard known as Mihama Academy will prove itself momentous in one way or another. And of course, one cannot discount the possibility that perhaps Yuuji himself carries the weightiest past of any of the students..." (From

Even after watching this, I am not too sure of what is was truly about, but it was entertaining. I love how less than halfway through the series, we begin to find out why the girls are at this school, or in better words, what is wrong with their past. The last 'story' is the longest, spanning 3 or 4 episodes but it is very in depth and quite emotional. It's not a  mystery that you can simply predict, but little hints here and there are provided (not enough to piece anything together) but the full story is explained. Yuuji's story is interwoven and explained piece by piece throughout the series. 

The title is subtle yet truthful to the series, where the girls have fallen too far from the tree in which they were grown, they are not doing or being what is expected of them. 

I really do recommend this series, if you do not watch anything else from this season, this is the one. I don't want to spoil any of the series, so I shall stop here.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x 

Friday 26 December 2014

Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (Wolf Girl and Black Prince)

I haven't posted over Christmas as I went to see family for the week, which means I caught up on my anime today and I am writing the posts now (they will be uploaded over a couple of days).

Firstly, this is the most beautiful ending to a series I have seen in a while, no loose ends, no real questions (that bothered me) and it all wrapped itself up nicely. Being a comedy and reading the synopsis before starting the series, I was skeptical.

"The story centers around Erika Shinohara, a vain 16-year-old girl who tells her friends about her romantic exploits, but she actually has no boyfriend. She claims that a handsome boy in a candid photo is her boyfriend, but it turns out that boy is a schoolmate named Kyouya Sata. She has no choice but to make him her fake boyfriend. Unfortunately, Sata may look like a sweet person, but he is actually an ultra-black-hearted sadist. Sata takes advantage of Erika's weakness and treats her like his dog." (From

It reminded me of the film Easy A with Emma Stone, except Erica wanted everyone to know about her fake boyfriend. She is really relatable, in some aspects, but is a typical girl. She wants to impress some new friends, and her lie just gets bigger and bigger, but I found that even though she is the main character, the story actually focuses more on Sata. He is the heartthrob of the school, and every girl wants him, but he is not interested in anyone. 

If you want to watch a light hearted comedy, with plenty of character development, this is for you. Also watch if you like Baka no Test, shame there's no cross-dressing though.

Happy Watching.

Unconditional love,

Sunday 7 December 2014

Introducing: Project Happy UK

As a follow up from my previous post, I want to share with you the first video we produced as part of Project Happy.

We currently have a blog set up, with tips on getting through uni, and dealing with stress, among many future topics we will cover in relation to mental wellbeing. You can find it at  where Sarah and Katharine post weekly on Sundays. (I used real names for once).
We also have a twitter and instagram set up, both with the usernames @projecthappyuk.
Please follow and support us, if you have any suggestions, we will be sure to look into them and see what we can do. You can email us at:

Thank you as always.
Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Saturday 6 December 2014


A year ago today was the most stressful and happiest day of my life. It was the day I honestly contemplated suicide because of the situation in university halls. I couldn't take it anymore.

It was also the day the people in the office finally let me move out. The tension literally lifted from my shoulders and it was the best feeling in the world.

Now, I'm working on Project Happy with some friends, to bring a bit of that happiness that I felt, to the lives of others, if only momentarily.

A lot can happen in a year, and without the help and support from my friends and family, who knows what my life would be like right now, if it even exists. So I want to say a massive thank you to these people in particular, and send a message to you all. If someone is feeling down, do what you can to help them, you don't know if the situation is minor or major, and you really can make a difference. So please, spread the love.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Thursday 30 October 2014

There's a Mouse in the House!

I know what I saw.
I don't know what I saw.

It was dark.
I had just turned on the light.
The faint glow ever so slowly getting brighter.
I turn to put my plate on the counter.
I see a shadow.
I see it scurrying.
It turns back towards the oven.
It pokes it's head around the blender.
Its little black beady eyes.
I blink.
It's gone.
I walk back, in panic.

I tell my housemates. Stammering.
The words aren't real.
This can't be real.
"There's- There's a mouse. I saw a mouse. In the kitchen..."
They're in denial.
"You're seeing things. You were hearing things last week too." I'm told.
I don't believe it.
Maybe I didn't see a mouse.
But maybe I did.

I still refuse to wash up, in case it is back.
I'll wash my dishes when it is daylight again.

I know this isn't how I normally blog. But it had to be done. This happened shortly after dinner today, I saw it as I went to get more food. As you can probably guess, I've hidden myself in my room until morning. Actual morning. And I'm so hungry...I've only eaten breakfast and dinner today. Both were small meals. I'm such a greedy pig, haha xD.

Unconditional love and stay safe from vermin,
Cazzie x

Sunday 26 October 2014

This is not a review :O

So, I know I said that I will be focusing on my studies, at least for the next few months. I seems that I lied to myself. I have found myself playing The Sims 3 and 4 on multiple occasions, watching anime and simply going out.
Sims 4

I've started four new series: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji, Trinity Seven, Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo, and Grisaia no Kajitsu. One of these is a normal length series of around 25 episodes, but you can expect the other reviews around Christmas (I guess that's when they end).
Cross Ange

Not only have I been watching anime, but Grimm, The Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons, American Horror Story and Marvel's Agents of SHIELD are also back on TV. Well, I don't have a TV but Netflix and Amazon are quite useful here. If I can't find them there, there are always Google Searches.
That's all for a quick update from me.
Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Sunday 12 October 2014

Tokyo ESP

Ok, so it's taken me a while to watch the last two episodes and write this up.

The first episode is confusing, it shows a city in utter chaos, and the citizens only hope has been locked up due to some law. The second episode starts the story from the beginning, explaining many aspects, good and bad, leading up to the destruction of the town. Somewhere near the end of the series, you realise where the first episode roughly slots in.

There were parts that made me gasp, some where I cringed, and others that almost brought happy tears to my eyes. However, it isn't as interesting as some series that I have watched. In my sister's words, 'We've set a high standard for anime early on, so watching good anime isn't as amazing as others e have watched.' I think she sums it up quite well, we started off with recommendations of series that people have absolutely loved, and then expected all anime to be that good. In truth, not everything is, and it is obvious which ones I like the most by the way I write the review.

If you enjoy watching dark anime such as Tokyo Ghoul, this is great. The themes vary but the storyline stays on track, which is damn helpful.

I'm sorry I've gotten worse at writing these reviews, but you can see why. This was a good series, but not a mindblowingly amazing series. I realised when I moved address and didn't feel like I was missing the series because I didn't have internet for a week. It's something to pass the time, but not something to obsess over.

This is just my opinion, and I may be less interested because my university life has gotten hectic and I'm prioritising my work over leisure. I probably won't be watching any or many series this winter, so don't expect any major posts until after Easter, when my course is drawing to an end.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 3 October 2014

Tokyo Ghoul


I need a new season and soon.

So I've realised that the anime I've watched this season all have shocking or rushed endings, and this was a tiny bit of both. Mostly shocking. And so fricking badass!

So, based on the title, take a guess at what this anime is about.
Ghouls in Tokyo?  You're right.
I hate this guy...

So ghouls are born as they are, a separate race from the humans, who live solely on human flesh.
Mini spoiler: Their bodies reject human food.
Humans do not turn into ghouls, and ghouls do not turn into people, but they can pretend to be human and live amongst them. Ghouls almost live in fear of humans, so they blend in and do not let humans know they are ghouls. (Was that a bit repetitive?) So what happens when a human is interested in dating a ghoul? Watch this and find out.

This dark, action anime presents you with the life of Kaneki, a human, living in Tokyo. If you're fine with blood, enjoy action scenes and plenty of rivals, you should give this a chance. Admittedly it gets darker the further in the series it gets, but I liked that about it.

I really don't know what to say without giving away the storyline. The storyline itself is pretty basic but the design and the way it is told is what makes it amazing. I shall just leave you with some images instead.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

<3 OH MY GOD!! I just remembered while looking through images, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the opening song. I need to buy it ^.^

Wednesday 1 October 2014

DRAMAtical Murder

I... I... How do I explain this?

Is the title relevant? Vaguely.
Was it good? God YES.

This anime follows the life of one particular character, Aoba Seragaki, a few years after a tragic accident. He lost his memories but still appears to continue his life as normal. He has a pet Allmate, Ren, who accompanies him everywhere, and a series of friends who seem to know more than they let on. Raised by his witty Gran, Aoba isn't as normal as everyone around him, but he doesn't realise that all his friends seem to have secret lives too.

If you can get past the strange names, ie, Clear, Noiz, Virus, then you should at least give this a try. I watched it with my sister and she got confused in the first few episodes but I found it pretty self-explanatory.

Ok, so this anime had so much potential and I really did love it. There's a bit of intrigue and mystery to keep you hooked. Unusual characters crop up and have great backstories (like, seriously? I don't think any of the main characters can be called normal). And this is what I loved. But the last 2 episodes crammed so much into them, the season should have been a bit longer. And the ending :O I hadn't played the game and reading the comments literally explained the last few minutes of the anime for me. Honestly, the last episode ruined it for me, but that shouldn't put you off watching it. It actually answers questions, unlike some seasons I have watched.

Best thing is, I've heard there is a second season coming out soon, so maybe that won't rush the ending. Anyway, it's taken me 3 days to attempt to write this and I really should get on with my university work (the last year is so intensive and I intend to keep on top of things even better than last year).

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Monday 15 September 2014

Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus


So I watched this with my sister and we were amazed that it was only ten episodes long. The beginning is intriguing, and unlike the first series, this takes on just one case throughout. It starts shortly after the curry contest in the first season, and Agni is back of course. :)

I don't know what to say without giving too much away.. Well, Ciel is in his London townhouse instead of his luxurious mansion, so we have a change of location. We see more of the servants fighting skills, oh, and there's a mysterious circus that Ciel and Sebastian join. The new cast makes scenes cheerier at first glance, but there is something sinister going on. Something worse than I could have thought possible.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kurohitsuji so much but this was too dark. It even added a new theory to my brain (I haven't read the manga at all) and kept me thinking all the way through. I just didn't like the ending. It was too dark...

SEBAS-CHAN!!! Grell also makes his appearance and is always infatuated with his Sebby. Grell is just so cute that I wanna pinch his little cheeks. :3

That is all I can say... I shall remain with my jaw hanging open and staring at the screen. Wishing for more.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Sunday 14 September 2014

I Have This Friend

Surprise!! On contrary belief to older siblings who rarely see me, I do have friends. But this isn't what the post is about.

I have this one friend in particular, and she always had medical problems. She would be in hospital frequently, I think she broke her foot four times. :O But she was in hospital a lot for other reasons too. Anyway, she was in her teenage years when she was told that she could never have a child, because it put too much of a risk on her life.
It's sad :'( I know.

But, when she was 17, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Well, beautiful people make beautiful babies, and some ugly parents also make miracles happen.

This isn't some miraculous story about a girl who defied doctors and lived happily ever after, but it's not a tragedy either.

She then went on to have baby number 2 shortly after.

After a breakdown in her relationship, and a new partner, along comes baby number three.... And then four...

So, after another failed relationship, she calls it quits. She gets an implant fitted, figures that her life is just going to be her and her children, and gets her life on track as a single mum and taking on work whenever she can.

In walks man number three. Now they've been together long enough for her to let him move in and he gets along great with the kids. But she also, somehow, manages to have baby number five. The implant didn't work. I'm not entirely sure if she had the implant before number four, but she certainly had it before number five.

I think the point of my story is to point out that she isn't a benefit leach, like so many other young mothers in England, and until the second child, she did plan to continue living with her parents. Her parents are also quite wealthy, so they could easily support her if they needed to. And she had tried working, fitting it around nursery, primary school, and relying on family to help look after the children so that she could work. But having so many young children is a huge responsibility. I admire her for that.

The oldest cannot be any older than ten years of age at the moment. I asked her if she had any regrets at all, a few years ago (just after number 4) and the only regret she has is having them too soon. She had her first child before legally being able to go to clubs, and it drains a lot of energy, time and money. She said that she should have waited at least a few years.

So, don't judge someone just because they have lots of children, look at what all of them are wearing. That's what I seem to have noticed more. the quality of the childrens clothes are higher and look better than those of benefit leeches. Does the parent have dirty/blackened or missing teeth? Note that it is the overall appearance and attitude of the family that will tell you about their social standing and if they're just having kids for the money.

And I will stop rambling on now.
Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Black Rock Shooter

8 EPISODES!? Only 8 episodes?

I think this is the shortest series I've ever watched, excluding OVAs, and obviously, it was watched in one session with my friend.
A little fetish escaping into anime?

Can I just say, that by the time I finally realised what was going on in the first and second episodes, and how they related both parts of the story, they introduced a new character to confuse me again. Also, the graphics are amazing. Not just the art, but how they created half of the scenes using 3D animations techniques, and then converted this to the 2D anime we all know and love.

Two worlds co-exist and take on the 'pain' of that world. Black Rock Shooter (yes, that is her name) lives in a world without emotional pain, but solves everything with violence. Her very existence is a battle to stay alive in a world that would no make sense to us. To cope with this world, she can transform her arm into a canon to aid her efforts.
Mato and Yomi

Meanwhile, Mato Kuroi is a middle-school student trying to reach out to befriend a classmate who keeps pushing her away. Although there is a reason for her classmate Yomi Takanashi to stay alone, Mato does not give up easily. This makes her school life a little more complicated than it used to be.

But, how do these two worlds relate? Why is survival for Black Rock Shooter more intense, action packed and filled to the brim with danger? Why does she literally have to fight to survive?

Alone, as two separate anime series, Mato's story would be too ordinary to be labeled a series in it's own right, and Black Rock Shooter's story would seem too action filled, without a break to be decent. However, the way they interlink and contrast each other make this a fantastic series to watch. A balance of calm and desperation, the way other characters interfere, and the difference in drawing styles to match each world.
I have found a stark contrast in reviews, a number of low scores equal to a number of high scores make this anime just like Marmite. Love it or hate it, at least give it a try. :)
Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) and Black Rock Shooter. Not the image which inspired the song.
* * This started off as a drawing, turned into a music video sung by Hatsune Miku, and then an anime and film adaptation. Please note, I have only seen the anime series and not the film which is classed as the OVA at 52 minutes. ( * *

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Saturday 6 September 2014

Blood Lad

Arrgh, I've taken so long to write this review that I forgot about it, hahaha.

Do you like anime? Do you like japanese culture? Of course you do :) ! Now... do you like humans, obsess over them? Mayyyybe....
You may be just like Staz then, the protagonist of this anime. Staz is a vampire, not the twinkle in sunlight kind, the original blood sucking, nocturnal kind.
Fuyumi is a human. See where this is going? Does Staz fall head over heels in love with the human girl and marry her to have little human-vampire babies? Or does he turn her into a vampire? Neither really.

Episode 1: Fuyumi enters the demon world by mistake, where she meets Staz. Staz, being completely obsessed with humans, vows to protect her while escorting her back to the human world and asking a billion questions about life there. However, there's a territory war going on outside and Staz is forced to defend his place. That's when the invader manages to kill Fuyumi. Staz returns to his room and finds her remains and clothing, along with a giant deadly plant. This is where Staz finds the ghost of Fuyumi and vows to bring her back to life.

Proceed with the rest of the series. If you like vampires, werewolves, annoying siblings who literally want to kill you, and fight scenes, this may be for you. This is actually light-hearted, with many puns and jokes to contrast with the apparent dark nature this is based on. Seriously though, doesn't the above sound a bit like a horror movie? But the clueless nature of some of the characters make it hard not to laugh.
Fuyumi and Staz. Are these glasses fashionable yet?
And don't worry, there are plenty of large breasts for you pervs out there ;3 I have you covered. Did I mention that a vampire and werewolf are best friends? :O I know right, this definitely isn't Twilight. I think I should shut up now.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 5 September 2014


What is this, Cazzie? Why is there a random letter for a title? Where have you been?

I have been under the recent pressure of finding a house to live in so that I can return to university later this month. Hence not uploading any more reviews (that, and I currently have 3/4 ongoing series to watch that are not yet completed and will all finish around the time I start classes again). I had a guarantor for a house, my papa, but he failed the checks due to 'circumstances unrelated to money'. Like really? He's a landlord and, even out of the country, still earns enough to cover my rent if needs be. But, whatever...

Now to answer the second question, well, second... 'K' is not just some random letter. Yes, it may be near the middle of the alphabet, or used to express that something is 'okay' but that is not why it is posted. IT'S TIME FOR.... (drumroll please).... ANOTHER ANIME REVIEW!

*      *      *      *      *
Meet Yashiro 'Shiro' Isana.
Firstly, can an anime title get any more ambiguous? I didn't see one letter 'K' floating around, nor did they mention it in the series. This series has two alternative titles as well, very similar in nature though: Project K and K Project. This makes a little more sense further into the 13 episode series.

It follows the protagonist over roughly a week of his life, in which he finds out that he is soon to be killed. What is doesn't know is; what for? Once he does find out that it is for the murder of another person, he barters for his life on several occasions, buying more time. This proves difficult with highly reliable evidence and more than one person or group wanting to take his life. However, for a fairly popular person at school, proving an alibi gets increasingly difficult as more and more students forget about him. The more he thinks about and questions his life, the more things get complicated.

If this wasn't hard enough for any viewer to understand, in come the other characters. There are 7 clans, each with their own king, a ranking, specific traits and a colour (only six are mentioned or shown which leaves one clan and king completely unknown). Oh, and these clans do not work together with or for the human race (as humans do not know about them), but against each other, having battles and wars often and with mixed reactions. So, imagine having two clans after Shiro, one to presumably lock him up, and the other to take his life.

Kuroh Yatogami
But, it's time to also meet two other important characters, Kuroh and Neko. Neko is, you guessed it, a cat. I mean, if you like having cats turn into naked human girls, I'm not judging ;3 Oh, and she sees Shiro as her pet, not the other way around...
Kuroh is not only dark in name, but seemingly in nature too. A relentless fighter who is creepily attached to his king.

As much as I loved this series, (I'm a bit ill today, not sick but in pain, so this is when I watched it), there are some flaws. I took a little while to get certain aspects of it, I think it was episode 9 or 10 when my sister mentioned Neko's real reason for being around, but I didn't get it until after they had explained it on screen.
One character reminded me of Hitler, even though I believe this is set in a different world to our own. There was a scene set in the past, Berlin, and they spoke in German, running experiments which ran into the line; 'superhuman race'. Oh, and his first name is Adolf.

I really did enjoy this series, found some parts funny either due to the comedy or because it would remind me of something else. I just don't know what took me so long to hear about and watch this. Once again, any reviews I write are my recommendations and you should take a look too. I don't write negative reviews because that would mean I dislike something, and I don't watch things I dislike. This series borders on dark anime, and for some reason, that's all I'm watching this season. I did have more criticisms for the end, but I forgot (can't be that bad then, right?) so if I remember, I'll post them later and at the end. Have a great time.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Sunday 10 August 2014


So I haven't posted in almost a month, and I'm wondering what I have done in that time.

I didn't get that job I wanted, but I'm not down about it. It just wasn't meant to be. Everything happens for a reason, so hopefully I will get one in London when I eventually find somewhere to live and move back.

Family trip to Arundel. So many arguments, not even worth remembering.

I started some more anime series, so I will review them when I finish with each one. They're being aired weekly so you will have to wait for them.

Many trips to London to see my friend. Involves lots of gaming and cuddles :)

BRIGHTON!!! Just for the evening with some friends...

Junk food. My mum doesn't eat as healthily as I do because food tastes crap around here, so now I'm gaining weight...

eBay, where would I be without you? I just bought some shoes for about £10, and the RRP was £75. I'm so happy with that. :3

So I've basically done nothing for a month and this is why I haven't posted. Summer is stupidly long when you get to university, so make sure you have events lined up. One of my friend's went to (oh I forgot the name of the country), to volunteer and medically help children. It's a third world country, but she finds paid work really easy and could afford to do it. I didn't quite have £600 plus spending money, and then sacrifice my electronics.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Saturday 12 July 2014


I recently got into the television series 'Grimm' and watched the entire three seasons in about a month. Well, I watched the first season in just over a week. Then I had to pack up and move house, giving me less free time.

I LOVED IT!! It follows this man named Nick, who is a Grimm but doesn't realise until he is told by his Aunt Marie. (I may have name spellings a little wrong due to accents) He starts to see creatures that are written down in the Grimm fairytales (I don't know them all so don't take my word for it) who share our world, but most people cannot see them. It's a bit confusing to explain, but you'll understand if you watch it. He befriends several Wesen (pronounced Vessen because it's German) and knows how to read German surprisingly well. Anyway, it follows Nick and how he has to deal with being both a Grimm and a police detective, taking care of the Wesen and covering his tracks from those he works with.

I'm trying to think of another programme this is like so that I can give you recommendations based on things other people watch too, but I don't watch much TV so I can't... Think of a dark version of Hoodwinked (that kids film) with detectives and plenty of murder, for the older audience. I guess that's the best I can do.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 11 July 2014

You know when... have a really good day, and then someone does something small that ruins it completely?

Yeah, my mum (what a surprise) did just that. I had a perfectly good day going on, I got a call back from the job I really want this summer, and even though its a small thing, she kept looking at my laptop. I mean, if I wanted to show you what's on my screen, I would do.

Now, this is what makes her a hypocrite; she always told me off for being nosey as a child (I would ask lots of questions) but she went one step farther and looked round to my screen. Rude, or what?

Yes I know I have mother issues, I don't really like her as a person anymore, so I'll shut up now.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x 

Saturday 5 July 2014

Mother Part2

Now I'm just going to list some things instead of writing huge paragraphs.

  • From a young age, I have been told how every negative trait I have comes from my father. Not one negative thing comes from her. 
  • Every argument I can remember ended with my mum telling me to go live with my father, so when I did when I was 16, she actually regretted something.
  • My mum asks me how to raise my younger-by-two-years sister. I'm the third fucking child!
  • She knocked my confidence at a young age, but has none herself. I had to make complaints in shops for her from the age of 8!
  • She can't cook. I usually cook in the house so when I fell ill one christmas when I was staying with her, she bought me a microwave meal. Shit in a tub will not make my body work faster, I wanted soup.

  • I have to cook for everyone every day I'm 'home' from university if I want to have a decent meal. Decent being, not pre-cooked - frozen - then sold. (Except chips and ice cream, I like those.)
  • She tells me off for not eating enough because I don't snack on junk food much, yet doesn't like food shopping when I'm around because I spend too much money on fruit and stuff.
  • She texts me every hour I'm home to see if I'm ok. I might not be in the house, but I'm not dead or 12. Give me some freedom.
  • She's nagging me to get a summer job, I have applied to every temporary job in my town (there were 4).
  • She wants me to make her cakes or cookies every week because I 'have nothing better to do with my life'.
  • Every day, she comes in my room and lays in be bed for hours, not letting me leave to get breakfast, so I start feeling ill. Then she wants to spend every waking minute of the day with her, I need ME time.
Do you have things your parents do that you don't like? Let me know in the comments below. :)

Unconditional love,


For those of you that actually know me, you'd know that I don't like my mum.

First of all, she's been lying and manipulating me for my whole life, and moving away made me realise who she really was, as well and discovering myself without being put down every five minutes.

I used to be a confident kid, like most people, but over time my mum had taught me 'manner's. Basically, she taught me how to be a door mat for every body else. I would apologise when it wasn't my fault, not say a word if I objected or wanted to defend myself, and was constantly told to shut up. Not something a three-year-old wants to hear every day. This somehow managed to knock all my confidence right out of me, so being quiet and keeping my head down was then perceived as being pessimistic and 'too quiet' by my peers. I am slowly getting some confidence back over the years now, but it took me until I was 19 to realise this.

Next is the lies. My mum would tell me one thing, then the next day deny she told me anything. I was constantly being told that I was making stories up and 'making her look bad'. If I retorted, then I would get hit (which my mum once again denies). She claims to not have tried to break my arm when I was 16, but I remember that moment so clearly, the rage on her face and me giving up on life (it was a pretty depressing time in my life anyway) and telling her to do it because I didn't care what she did to me anymore. I think this was when I started to unconsciously know what my mum was. There are so many times in my life where I remember her saying something horrible to me, or hurting me, yet having those memories denied.

More coming soon. I'm too lazy to type any more (I get that from my dad, apparently).
Unconditional love,

Thursday 3 July 2014

Beautiful Ending

This is just a video I had to produce alongside my book project.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Kiki's Delivery Service

So I recently re-watched this film, and I think it was one of the first anime films I watched after getting back into anime. I love Studio Ghibli films anyway, and this is definitely a must see.

In short, the film tells the story of a young witch (just 13 years old) who leaves home in order to better train her powers and earn a living using her talents. As you can guess, she starts a delivery service and has to deal with the differences in the human world compared to where she grew up. But one day, disaster strikes and she finds that her powers have all 'gone'. Her magical quest with her black cat and new friends try to find a way for her to get her powers back.

I really recommend this film, it's great for the family and amazing to relax to. Go watch it :)

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

P.S. I moved back in with my mother about two weeks ago, absolutely hate it. If I can find a job, things will get better, but it's not as bad as being homeless, which was my other option. I've spent my days going out on day trips to meet people (Eastbourne, Brighton, London, etc) just to get out of the house. I went to London a couple of days ago to see my friend who I watch anime with. He came with me to do some uni stuff and going shopping for a little, then sat at his to watch this film and eat :3 I randomly got chatted up on my way over, 20 minutes later and I had to give my number out so that I could escape.