Friday 5 September 2014


What is this, Cazzie? Why is there a random letter for a title? Where have you been?

I have been under the recent pressure of finding a house to live in so that I can return to university later this month. Hence not uploading any more reviews (that, and I currently have 3/4 ongoing series to watch that are not yet completed and will all finish around the time I start classes again). I had a guarantor for a house, my papa, but he failed the checks due to 'circumstances unrelated to money'. Like really? He's a landlord and, even out of the country, still earns enough to cover my rent if needs be. But, whatever...

Now to answer the second question, well, second... 'K' is not just some random letter. Yes, it may be near the middle of the alphabet, or used to express that something is 'okay' but that is not why it is posted. IT'S TIME FOR.... (drumroll please).... ANOTHER ANIME REVIEW!

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Meet Yashiro 'Shiro' Isana.
Firstly, can an anime title get any more ambiguous? I didn't see one letter 'K' floating around, nor did they mention it in the series. This series has two alternative titles as well, very similar in nature though: Project K and K Project. This makes a little more sense further into the 13 episode series.

It follows the protagonist over roughly a week of his life, in which he finds out that he is soon to be killed. What is doesn't know is; what for? Once he does find out that it is for the murder of another person, he barters for his life on several occasions, buying more time. This proves difficult with highly reliable evidence and more than one person or group wanting to take his life. However, for a fairly popular person at school, proving an alibi gets increasingly difficult as more and more students forget about him. The more he thinks about and questions his life, the more things get complicated.

If this wasn't hard enough for any viewer to understand, in come the other characters. There are 7 clans, each with their own king, a ranking, specific traits and a colour (only six are mentioned or shown which leaves one clan and king completely unknown). Oh, and these clans do not work together with or for the human race (as humans do not know about them), but against each other, having battles and wars often and with mixed reactions. So, imagine having two clans after Shiro, one to presumably lock him up, and the other to take his life.

Kuroh Yatogami
But, it's time to also meet two other important characters, Kuroh and Neko. Neko is, you guessed it, a cat. I mean, if you like having cats turn into naked human girls, I'm not judging ;3 Oh, and she sees Shiro as her pet, not the other way around...
Kuroh is not only dark in name, but seemingly in nature too. A relentless fighter who is creepily attached to his king.

As much as I loved this series, (I'm a bit ill today, not sick but in pain, so this is when I watched it), there are some flaws. I took a little while to get certain aspects of it, I think it was episode 9 or 10 when my sister mentioned Neko's real reason for being around, but I didn't get it until after they had explained it on screen.
One character reminded me of Hitler, even though I believe this is set in a different world to our own. There was a scene set in the past, Berlin, and they spoke in German, running experiments which ran into the line; 'superhuman race'. Oh, and his first name is Adolf.

I really did enjoy this series, found some parts funny either due to the comedy or because it would remind me of something else. I just don't know what took me so long to hear about and watch this. Once again, any reviews I write are my recommendations and you should take a look too. I don't write negative reviews because that would mean I dislike something, and I don't watch things I dislike. This series borders on dark anime, and for some reason, that's all I'm watching this season. I did have more criticisms for the end, but I forgot (can't be that bad then, right?) so if I remember, I'll post them later and at the end. Have a great time.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

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