Saturday 12 July 2014


I recently got into the television series 'Grimm' and watched the entire three seasons in about a month. Well, I watched the first season in just over a week. Then I had to pack up and move house, giving me less free time.

I LOVED IT!! It follows this man named Nick, who is a Grimm but doesn't realise until he is told by his Aunt Marie. (I may have name spellings a little wrong due to accents) He starts to see creatures that are written down in the Grimm fairytales (I don't know them all so don't take my word for it) who share our world, but most people cannot see them. It's a bit confusing to explain, but you'll understand if you watch it. He befriends several Wesen (pronounced Vessen because it's German) and knows how to read German surprisingly well. Anyway, it follows Nick and how he has to deal with being both a Grimm and a police detective, taking care of the Wesen and covering his tracks from those he works with.

I'm trying to think of another programme this is like so that I can give you recommendations based on things other people watch too, but I don't watch much TV so I can't... Think of a dark version of Hoodwinked (that kids film) with detectives and plenty of murder, for the older audience. I guess that's the best I can do.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

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