Saturday 12 July 2014


I recently got into the television series 'Grimm' and watched the entire three seasons in about a month. Well, I watched the first season in just over a week. Then I had to pack up and move house, giving me less free time.

I LOVED IT!! It follows this man named Nick, who is a Grimm but doesn't realise until he is told by his Aunt Marie. (I may have name spellings a little wrong due to accents) He starts to see creatures that are written down in the Grimm fairytales (I don't know them all so don't take my word for it) who share our world, but most people cannot see them. It's a bit confusing to explain, but you'll understand if you watch it. He befriends several Wesen (pronounced Vessen because it's German) and knows how to read German surprisingly well. Anyway, it follows Nick and how he has to deal with being both a Grimm and a police detective, taking care of the Wesen and covering his tracks from those he works with.

I'm trying to think of another programme this is like so that I can give you recommendations based on things other people watch too, but I don't watch much TV so I can't... Think of a dark version of Hoodwinked (that kids film) with detectives and plenty of murder, for the older audience. I guess that's the best I can do.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 11 July 2014

You know when... have a really good day, and then someone does something small that ruins it completely?

Yeah, my mum (what a surprise) did just that. I had a perfectly good day going on, I got a call back from the job I really want this summer, and even though its a small thing, she kept looking at my laptop. I mean, if I wanted to show you what's on my screen, I would do.

Now, this is what makes her a hypocrite; she always told me off for being nosey as a child (I would ask lots of questions) but she went one step farther and looked round to my screen. Rude, or what?

Yes I know I have mother issues, I don't really like her as a person anymore, so I'll shut up now.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x 

Saturday 5 July 2014

Mother Part2

Now I'm just going to list some things instead of writing huge paragraphs.

  • From a young age, I have been told how every negative trait I have comes from my father. Not one negative thing comes from her. 
  • Every argument I can remember ended with my mum telling me to go live with my father, so when I did when I was 16, she actually regretted something.
  • My mum asks me how to raise my younger-by-two-years sister. I'm the third fucking child!
  • She knocked my confidence at a young age, but has none herself. I had to make complaints in shops for her from the age of 8!
  • She can't cook. I usually cook in the house so when I fell ill one christmas when I was staying with her, she bought me a microwave meal. Shit in a tub will not make my body work faster, I wanted soup.

  • I have to cook for everyone every day I'm 'home' from university if I want to have a decent meal. Decent being, not pre-cooked - frozen - then sold. (Except chips and ice cream, I like those.)
  • She tells me off for not eating enough because I don't snack on junk food much, yet doesn't like food shopping when I'm around because I spend too much money on fruit and stuff.
  • She texts me every hour I'm home to see if I'm ok. I might not be in the house, but I'm not dead or 12. Give me some freedom.
  • She's nagging me to get a summer job, I have applied to every temporary job in my town (there were 4).
  • She wants me to make her cakes or cookies every week because I 'have nothing better to do with my life'.
  • Every day, she comes in my room and lays in be bed for hours, not letting me leave to get breakfast, so I start feeling ill. Then she wants to spend every waking minute of the day with her, I need ME time.
Do you have things your parents do that you don't like? Let me know in the comments below. :)

Unconditional love,


For those of you that actually know me, you'd know that I don't like my mum.

First of all, she's been lying and manipulating me for my whole life, and moving away made me realise who she really was, as well and discovering myself without being put down every five minutes.

I used to be a confident kid, like most people, but over time my mum had taught me 'manner's. Basically, she taught me how to be a door mat for every body else. I would apologise when it wasn't my fault, not say a word if I objected or wanted to defend myself, and was constantly told to shut up. Not something a three-year-old wants to hear every day. This somehow managed to knock all my confidence right out of me, so being quiet and keeping my head down was then perceived as being pessimistic and 'too quiet' by my peers. I am slowly getting some confidence back over the years now, but it took me until I was 19 to realise this.

Next is the lies. My mum would tell me one thing, then the next day deny she told me anything. I was constantly being told that I was making stories up and 'making her look bad'. If I retorted, then I would get hit (which my mum once again denies). She claims to not have tried to break my arm when I was 16, but I remember that moment so clearly, the rage on her face and me giving up on life (it was a pretty depressing time in my life anyway) and telling her to do it because I didn't care what she did to me anymore. I think this was when I started to unconsciously know what my mum was. There are so many times in my life where I remember her saying something horrible to me, or hurting me, yet having those memories denied.

More coming soon. I'm too lazy to type any more (I get that from my dad, apparently).
Unconditional love,

Thursday 3 July 2014

Beautiful Ending

This is just a video I had to produce alongside my book project.