Monday 13 January 2014


What do you think of the pills that doctors seem to just hand out for whatever reason?
Do you take pills, and what for?

Personally I don't like them. Just because we have a little ache or pain, why should we fill our body with chemicals? That's what medicine is. These aches and pains are out bodies telling us that something is wrong and we need to fix it.

Next time you have a headache, try a glass of cold water. If that doesn't work after ten minutes, then I will allow you to take something for it. If you're tired, go to sleep.

Muscle ache? Try and stretch it out first, before you try anything else.

Stomach ache... well I know this is harder for some people, but I curl up in bed until it goes away, making sure to drink plenty of water and eat a bit of food.

Depressed or feeling down? I've personally found that listening to 'happier' upbeat music has a better effect than taking anti-depressants. Especially when you're bipolar.

Anemic? Even doctors recommend red meat and green vegetables to help with this. The most common symptom is excessive tiredness.


Obviously, there are certain things that 'NEED' medication, and I know that some things can get too painful. I'm just saying that are usually are alternatives to pain relief and other medication. I'm not saying that I never take pills, last year I had a lower back ache that went on for three days before I went to see a doctor. It was so bad that I couldn't walk more than ten minutes at a time. He tried giving me pills that I'm allergic to, before giving me extra strong pills.

Taking pills will always give you a side effect as they are not natural, and most of the time, you will  not notice these side effects. However, if you continuously use pain killers, the chemicals will slowly build up in your system. You may notice that over time, you need to up the dosage of what you are taking. This is because your body gets used to the chemicals. You are placing 'toxins' in your body that are not supposed to be there. Some of these tablets were originally marketed for one thing, but then noticed that one of the side effects is 'beneficial' and re-labelled the medication. Does that mean that your body is having all these chemical reactions take place in you body just to ease the pain of a headache? Multi-function tablets are probably the worst ones out there.

Try to stay natural.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

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