Tuesday 10 June 2014

Leaving The Country?

I'm about to embark on a magical journey to the capital of Ghana for summer?

Say what?!

I got a text off my older siblings yesterday, asking why I'm leaving the UK. Obviously, I was confused and asked what they meant. Eventually, one replied saying that I'm going to live in Ghana. Well... considering my passport hasn't arrived yet, I don't see how that is possible. I don't even know how they got this information, I never mentioned a thing to my family, except saying that I don't want to live with my mum ever again.

Anyway, I move away from beautiful London on Thursday, to my crummy town. Summer is going to be awful, after all the optimism I had just a few posts ago. First things first, I must get a job.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Update (16/06/2014): My brother head it from my sister, who heard it from a friend, who 'heard' it from my mum... -.-

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