Saturday 28 June 2014

Kiki's Delivery Service

So I recently re-watched this film, and I think it was one of the first anime films I watched after getting back into anime. I love Studio Ghibli films anyway, and this is definitely a must see.

In short, the film tells the story of a young witch (just 13 years old) who leaves home in order to better train her powers and earn a living using her talents. As you can guess, she starts a delivery service and has to deal with the differences in the human world compared to where she grew up. But one day, disaster strikes and she finds that her powers have all 'gone'. Her magical quest with her black cat and new friends try to find a way for her to get her powers back.

I really recommend this film, it's great for the family and amazing to relax to. Go watch it :)

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

P.S. I moved back in with my mother about two weeks ago, absolutely hate it. If I can find a job, things will get better, but it's not as bad as being homeless, which was my other option. I've spent my days going out on day trips to meet people (Eastbourne, Brighton, London, etc) just to get out of the house. I went to London a couple of days ago to see my friend who I watch anime with. He came with me to do some uni stuff and going shopping for a little, then sat at his to watch this film and eat :3 I randomly got chatted up on my way over, 20 minutes later and I had to give my number out so that I could escape.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Leaving The Country?

I'm about to embark on a magical journey to the capital of Ghana for summer?

Say what?!

I got a text off my older siblings yesterday, asking why I'm leaving the UK. Obviously, I was confused and asked what they meant. Eventually, one replied saying that I'm going to live in Ghana. Well... considering my passport hasn't arrived yet, I don't see how that is possible. I don't even know how they got this information, I never mentioned a thing to my family, except saying that I don't want to live with my mum ever again.

Anyway, I move away from beautiful London on Thursday, to my crummy town. Summer is going to be awful, after all the optimism I had just a few posts ago. First things first, I must get a job.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Update (16/06/2014): My brother head it from my sister, who heard it from a friend, who 'heard' it from my mum... -.-

Thursday 5 June 2014


Let's recap the past few days. Well, yesterday and today.

I had to go out and buy a friends birthday present, so took a trip to Stratford as I usually do. All fine and dandy, but I got a text to go to Tara's* on my way back. Some family emergency made her need to do back home and she had booked a 6.30am train for the morning. She packed the rest of her room up and needed to grab something from someone else's house. Was meant to meet them halfway but took a midnight trip to Peckham instead. Two girls in Peckham at night, not the best area in the world.
Then the other friend paid for our taxi back.

Right, we got back to mine around 2am and figured that we only had three hours until we had to leave for Euston. No sleep for us. So we re-packed all of Tara's stuff, checked she had everything, chilled out, changed for 'the new day' and ate and drank whatever we could find (it wasn't much, poor students here).

4.45am rolled around and we headed out with a suitcase, a vanity case, a large handbag, duvet and pillows bundled into bin liners and a large shopping bag with a box file, mac box, toiletries, and a portfolio inside. Between us, we made the long journey on the first trains of the day, and received a little help on stairs from a lovely (ex?)biker. I got my friend on the train with all her stuff, and more food that we had bought for energy, before having to make the trip back alone, arriving home around 7 or 7.30am.

I decided to stupidly do my laundry, taking two trips to the launderette to put my stuff in and trying not to sleep between changing to the dryer and bringing it back. Then I fell asleep at 9am.

I was woken by a phone call from my mother at 1pm to discuss moving my stuff 'home' to her. She is either ignoring the argument or forgot what I said to her. Then another friend came over, John*, in which I let him in and went straight back to bed to sleep. I woke up with him next to me in bed and we just talked until he had to leave for work.

And now, here I am, typing this all up at 7.30pm, having eaten nothing except a muffin and breakfast bar before falling asleep the first time, but I'm not hungry or tired. :/

This is my diary afterall, I just wanted to write all this down. Busy day doing nothing in particular, again.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x