Thursday 17 April 2014

Reviews? Fractale!

I think I might start writing reviews over the next month of anime I have watched with my friend, John*. I mean, we're working through some pretty quickly as it is, despite deadlines and stuff, so instead of just listing what I have watched, I will write short reviews. I'll be glad to get some recommendations too. Oh, and there are some movies, and some series, and some of them I have seen before but I will review as I go along anyway.

So we watched Fractale just over a week ago now. It was nice and short, only 11 episodes, set in the future. There is one 'religion' completely different to the faiths we have today. called the Fractale System, and everybody prays to the stars. It shows how little true freedom these people actually have, but they live in unknown ignorance. (Think of the Matrix.)
Clain and Nessa
The story starts at the collapse of this system, where Clain (the main guy) goes on a journey for the secrets of the system, with the help of three unique girls; an outlaw, a priestess and a dopple. Although the anime is short, and some episodes feel really short, the story keeps moving with minimal fillers. There are answers at the end and he comes out of his shell a little. I love his love for 'antiques' which is basically anything physiscal as opposed to the digital world he lives in.

Anyway, I liked the anime. :3

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

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