Thursday 24 April 2014

Monochrome Factor

I actually watched this alone and over a longer period, but ah well.

This 24-episode anime series is full of deceit. In fact, the deceit is deceitful :O

So, there's this slacker, Akira, who must return to his school one night with classmates where they get attacked by shadow monsters. Up comes a (full of himself) stranger, who explains that the balance between light and dark is becoming unbalanced and so turns Akira into a 'Shin'. Shirogane (the stranger) then fights alongside Akira against the shadow monsters. Full of mystery, light shonen-ai themes and plenty of action, this is a definite recommendation.

Will you figure out where the lies begin and the truth ends? Let's wait and see.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Sunday 20 April 2014

Wolf Children

Not the best film out there, but it was pretty funny.

So the story is about two little children whose father is a werewolf. For various reasons (you can find out by watching this film), the dad is not on the scene, so it centres around the mother (definitely human) who has the struggle of raising two little children who randomly turn into wolves.
As you can imagine, this is difficult in any location, and it shows the sacrifices she has to make for the safety of her kids. It's quite heartwarming, and the children seem to switch their ways around a little. It has funny moments, and sad times.

If you like werewolves, talking animals and family centred films, this is for you. :)

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Thursday 17 April 2014

Reviews? Fractale!

I think I might start writing reviews over the next month of anime I have watched with my friend, John*. I mean, we're working through some pretty quickly as it is, despite deadlines and stuff, so instead of just listing what I have watched, I will write short reviews. I'll be glad to get some recommendations too. Oh, and there are some movies, and some series, and some of them I have seen before but I will review as I go along anyway.

So we watched Fractale just over a week ago now. It was nice and short, only 11 episodes, set in the future. There is one 'religion' completely different to the faiths we have today. called the Fractale System, and everybody prays to the stars. It shows how little true freedom these people actually have, but they live in unknown ignorance. (Think of the Matrix.)
Clain and Nessa
The story starts at the collapse of this system, where Clain (the main guy) goes on a journey for the secrets of the system, with the help of three unique girls; an outlaw, a priestess and a dopple. Although the anime is short, and some episodes feel really short, the story keeps moving with minimal fillers. There are answers at the end and he comes out of his shell a little. I love his love for 'antiques' which is basically anything physiscal as opposed to the digital world he lives in.

Anyway, I liked the anime. :3

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

I'm Not THAT Funny

So a pigeon just sat on my table and all I did was point at it and say "No". Everyone around me laughed...

Monday 14 April 2014

He Left

My Dad has left.

I know I haven't lived with him in ages, and he separated from my mum when I was two, but this time he's gone for good. I got a call Sunday morning from him to explain that he was about to board a plane to Ghana. A one way ticket...

My dad is throwing away the past 20-odd years, 3 girls, 2 ex-wives and a minimum of 2 houses. (I always thought he had more because he had 5 at one point.) My youngest sister is 12!! I'm not through with university, and with my funding cut next year, I don't know how I will cope without his financial support. Then there's the fact that when I'm with my mum over summer, I can't just walk round to visit him. I can't call his phone whenever I need him.

My dad didn't just leave home. He didn't just leave town. He didn't just leave the country either. He changed freaking continents... >.< Maybe I should add him back on facebook?

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 11 April 2014

Sorry, Not Sorry

Well, I am...

I have so much coursework to do that I don't even have a life anymore. :(
The only people I see are those in my flat, I barely talk to anyone online. I'm not even texting the girl as much anymore. My life sucks, and it's going to stay like this until the end of May.

Once my coursework and exams are over, I will be back to almost daily blogging. :3 Lucky you, haha.
But seriously, 1 sketch book, 2 essays, 1 exam and a group presentation. Less than a month to do all but the exam. I am screwed.

But it's not all doom and gloom. My flatmate is being extremely lovely to me, we watch anime together each night and act like a couple in private. ;3 But it's staying secret, so shhhh. ;) Our other flatmates don't seem to know yet, or they just haven't brought it up. This is bliss. Although I feel like my emotions are cheating on each other :( I'm getting these feelings for my flatmate but I still like the girl I was talking to (we both have loads of work to do and can't even Skype at the moment). I'm technically single but I still feel awful about it...

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

P.S As of two days ago, I have been blogging for a year :3 I was going to do something big for it, buuut... stuff happens.

Monday 7 April 2014

RIP Peaches Geldof

It's true, and I've just heard of it.

I remember watching a documentary on her a few years back and sort of admired Peaches. She was funny, had a career and didn't seem to care what people thought. She was herself.

I guess this just goes to show how short life can be, she left behind two beautiful young children and she will be missed. At just 25, her whole life was ahead of her...

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Too Small To Model, Yet Taller Than My Friends

Just what the title says.

I was working on Saturday and someone came up to me asking if I model. When I said 'No', he asked if I had ever modelled. My positive reply led to a disagreement over how I should/shouldn't consider myself a model. Apparently I have the face a figure for it. One little problem, I'm not very tall.

When I was measured at the doctors, I was said to be 5'4. I always thought I was an inch or two taller than that, but this is still short in terms of modelling. Most agencies require you to be 5'8 without shoes.

Also, like most girls around the Western world, I do not consider myself to be thin. I know that I am not fat as UK size 10 clothes are a little big on me now (need to do some major shopping), but I find my abs are getting strong enough to fade the hourglass figure I was once so proud of.
'Baggy' skinny jeans... Friend's house.
I know, I know, I have big hair. Now, when I see myself, I don't see what everyone else sees.
Models are 1) incredibly tall, and 2) incredibly thin. I love my food. I'm even eating as I type this. I eat quite healthily but every so often,, I binge on junk food... If I work out, I make sure to eat even more. Imagine me, trying to be one to them.. no thank you. I'M HAPPY BEING AVERAGE (for once).

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x