Monday 10 March 2014

Body Image

I know I will probably get some hate over this, but I don't really care. These are my opinions and should not be taken too seriously.

Like most girls my age, I grew up playing with Barbie dolls, so my views on beauty are probably as messed up as society, BUT I don't think you need to be stick thin to be perfect. Or as near to perfect as a person can be.

I have one rule on being 'slim' and that is to not allow my stomach to be bigger than my breasts. It used to be as a child, not because I was fat, but because I didn't eat right. I looked like the malnourished children in Africa, that they show on tv. Just, not as severe. I grew up with a little piece of advice I read in a magazine at 12, which was a simple way of toning your stomach. This is basically sucking it in or tensing it whenever you walk somewhere, and only relaxing when seated or laying down. Simple enough, right? Trust me, it works. I had the tightest stomach out my my friends who didn't work out.

Later in life (aged 18) I finally joined the gym. I was going to join at a much younger age (15) but the joining fees were high and my dad didn't think I would stick to it so wouldn't pay up. My best friend, however, became obsessed with losing weight. We started off at the same size, UK 8-10, but within a year, she became smaller than me while my breasts increased causing me to buy larger tops (that's my excuse anyway). So now I join the gym for 3 months at a time, and have a couple of months off during the university holidays. I got more toned, and my breasts shrunk to a C/D cup. Whoo, I can buy size 10 tops again xD.
Barbie vs average person

That was completely off topic. I was going to go on about how fat people shouldn't let themselves get like that. Like, if you have wings instead of arms, can't fit through the tube doors (small end-of-carriage doors), or have difficulty walking and breathing, you have a major problem. If you are my version of 'slim', I don't care if you're size 8 or 16, you're beautiful. Screw Barbie and her ideas of being plastic. Just don't get so small that you look like a twig that I could snap with two fingers...

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

(I might do a part two of me actually ranting about this issue.)

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