Thursday 30 October 2014

There's a Mouse in the House!

I know what I saw.
I don't know what I saw.

It was dark.
I had just turned on the light.
The faint glow ever so slowly getting brighter.
I turn to put my plate on the counter.
I see a shadow.
I see it scurrying.
It turns back towards the oven.
It pokes it's head around the blender.
Its little black beady eyes.
I blink.
It's gone.
I walk back, in panic.

I tell my housemates. Stammering.
The words aren't real.
This can't be real.
"There's- There's a mouse. I saw a mouse. In the kitchen..."
They're in denial.
"You're seeing things. You were hearing things last week too." I'm told.
I don't believe it.
Maybe I didn't see a mouse.
But maybe I did.

I still refuse to wash up, in case it is back.
I'll wash my dishes when it is daylight again.

I know this isn't how I normally blog. But it had to be done. This happened shortly after dinner today, I saw it as I went to get more food. As you can probably guess, I've hidden myself in my room until morning. Actual morning. And I'm so hungry...I've only eaten breakfast and dinner today. Both were small meals. I'm such a greedy pig, haha xD.

Unconditional love and stay safe from vermin,
Cazzie x

Sunday 26 October 2014

This is not a review :O

So, I know I said that I will be focusing on my studies, at least for the next few months. I seems that I lied to myself. I have found myself playing The Sims 3 and 4 on multiple occasions, watching anime and simply going out.
Sims 4

I've started four new series: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji, Trinity Seven, Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo, and Grisaia no Kajitsu. One of these is a normal length series of around 25 episodes, but you can expect the other reviews around Christmas (I guess that's when they end).
Cross Ange

Not only have I been watching anime, but Grimm, The Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons, American Horror Story and Marvel's Agents of SHIELD are also back on TV. Well, I don't have a TV but Netflix and Amazon are quite useful here. If I can't find them there, there are always Google Searches.
That's all for a quick update from me.
Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Sunday 12 October 2014

Tokyo ESP

Ok, so it's taken me a while to watch the last two episodes and write this up.

The first episode is confusing, it shows a city in utter chaos, and the citizens only hope has been locked up due to some law. The second episode starts the story from the beginning, explaining many aspects, good and bad, leading up to the destruction of the town. Somewhere near the end of the series, you realise where the first episode roughly slots in.

There were parts that made me gasp, some where I cringed, and others that almost brought happy tears to my eyes. However, it isn't as interesting as some series that I have watched. In my sister's words, 'We've set a high standard for anime early on, so watching good anime isn't as amazing as others e have watched.' I think she sums it up quite well, we started off with recommendations of series that people have absolutely loved, and then expected all anime to be that good. In truth, not everything is, and it is obvious which ones I like the most by the way I write the review.

If you enjoy watching dark anime such as Tokyo Ghoul, this is great. The themes vary but the storyline stays on track, which is damn helpful.

I'm sorry I've gotten worse at writing these reviews, but you can see why. This was a good series, but not a mindblowingly amazing series. I realised when I moved address and didn't feel like I was missing the series because I didn't have internet for a week. It's something to pass the time, but not something to obsess over.

This is just my opinion, and I may be less interested because my university life has gotten hectic and I'm prioritising my work over leisure. I probably won't be watching any or many series this winter, so don't expect any major posts until after Easter, when my course is drawing to an end.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

Friday 3 October 2014

Tokyo Ghoul


I need a new season and soon.

So I've realised that the anime I've watched this season all have shocking or rushed endings, and this was a tiny bit of both. Mostly shocking. And so fricking badass!

So, based on the title, take a guess at what this anime is about.
Ghouls in Tokyo?  You're right.
I hate this guy...

So ghouls are born as they are, a separate race from the humans, who live solely on human flesh.
Mini spoiler: Their bodies reject human food.
Humans do not turn into ghouls, and ghouls do not turn into people, but they can pretend to be human and live amongst them. Ghouls almost live in fear of humans, so they blend in and do not let humans know they are ghouls. (Was that a bit repetitive?) So what happens when a human is interested in dating a ghoul? Watch this and find out.

This dark, action anime presents you with the life of Kaneki, a human, living in Tokyo. If you're fine with blood, enjoy action scenes and plenty of rivals, you should give this a chance. Admittedly it gets darker the further in the series it gets, but I liked that about it.

I really don't know what to say without giving away the storyline. The storyline itself is pretty basic but the design and the way it is told is what makes it amazing. I shall just leave you with some images instead.

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x

<3 OH MY GOD!! I just remembered while looking through images, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the opening song. I need to buy it ^.^

Wednesday 1 October 2014

DRAMAtical Murder

I... I... How do I explain this?

Is the title relevant? Vaguely.
Was it good? God YES.

This anime follows the life of one particular character, Aoba Seragaki, a few years after a tragic accident. He lost his memories but still appears to continue his life as normal. He has a pet Allmate, Ren, who accompanies him everywhere, and a series of friends who seem to know more than they let on. Raised by his witty Gran, Aoba isn't as normal as everyone around him, but he doesn't realise that all his friends seem to have secret lives too.

If you can get past the strange names, ie, Clear, Noiz, Virus, then you should at least give this a try. I watched it with my sister and she got confused in the first few episodes but I found it pretty self-explanatory.

Ok, so this anime had so much potential and I really did love it. There's a bit of intrigue and mystery to keep you hooked. Unusual characters crop up and have great backstories (like, seriously? I don't think any of the main characters can be called normal). And this is what I loved. But the last 2 episodes crammed so much into them, the season should have been a bit longer. And the ending :O I hadn't played the game and reading the comments literally explained the last few minutes of the anime for me. Honestly, the last episode ruined it for me, but that shouldn't put you off watching it. It actually answers questions, unlike some seasons I have watched.

Best thing is, I've heard there is a second season coming out soon, so maybe that won't rush the ending. Anyway, it's taken me 3 days to attempt to write this and I really should get on with my university work (the last year is so intensive and I intend to keep on top of things even better than last year).

Unconditional love,
Cazzie x