Friday 10 May 2013



It's that time of year again, time to hand in all that work that I may not have completed. The sudden rush of catching up on the past 3/4 months. My room is a mess, littered with work everywhere, open books and pieces of paper cover my desk. My bin is overflowing with drinks bottles and scrap paper.

It has surprisingly taken me a week to catch up with one module of my work, unfortunately that module is no use to me even though it is my favourite. Mainly because my tutor is super cool and very laid back, but I am changing courses next year. The other module which is due in sooner... well that's not going so well :/

Right, I'm off to procrastinate.

Caio x

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Titanic, Flatmates and Chocolate.

As I sit here eating my giant Matchmakers cookie, I think over the events of the past few days. This was my first day off after the previous five being super busy. The Trafalgar Square incident involving Margaret Thatcher's haters intrigued me. It was scary and fun all at the same time. I have a short video about it on my other blog 'Discourse'. The huge crowds were amazing and I got to pretend that I was a photo-journalist. My friend works for some kind video production for news channels and he was looking out for me :).

Everyone knows the film 'Titanic', right? My flatmate Mike was talking about it so I asked; 'If you were in that situation, do you think you would get on a boat or save everyone else?' And Mike being super religious said he would be a martyr and save everyone else. Bull****!! So asked in various other ways and explained that most people, in a life or death situation, would automatically save himself and then regret it later. Then he said "But I'm religious so you wouldn't understand." Why the f*** do you think I wear a cross round my neck then?!
This isn't the first time he has annoyed me, and each time my temper gets shorter and shorter so I threw my lunch in the sink (thinking I had broken my bowl and plate) and went to my room. Within minutes, I was crying in my bed and calling my mum. My mum giving the best advice ever, told me to go and get some chocolate, ice cream and anything else to cheer me up. So I called my boyfriend and I spent about £20 on sweets, cookies, ice cream, doughnuts and chocolate. I ate it all.

Same question to all of you sad people who decide to read this post :P

So, this one time at Band Camp...

I remember when I was really little, it was around the time my little sister was being born. I must have been younger than three and it's one of my earliest memories.

I was at the hospital, either wandering around, on my way to see my mum, or a nurse had told me to follow her. Either way my 'vision' starts with me looking up at a nurse while she hands me a little reindeer. She says something about one being for me and another for my sister. I then run off really happy carrying two little soft toys.

That's it. That's all I remember. I think about this every year on my sister's birthday, which is not long before Christmas.